Lunch Date with My Beloved Friend

by - 03:06


I know that I missed too many posts for publish. I tried my best to create the contents of every post. I still struggling with finding the time to updating the posts. So, here we are. Today is my off duty and I want to tell about my lunch date with my beloved friend.

I lost contact with her after the final year of the degree. Finally, I started to contact her a week ago after an unknown number texting me. The way she texts me, she knows me very well. But for me, I don't recognize her until she said her name.
She invited me to her wedding event this Sunday. I said sorry to her that I can't attend her wedding because of my work. I need to apply for a leave at least a month before. That's why I planned for a lunch date before her Big Day. 

So, here it goes. I got out from my house at 10.50 am. I have to ride 3 different types of transport in order to meet her. We promised to meet at KLCC. She only has time for meeting me on her lunch hour. I took a bus from my house to AEON Maluri. Next, I ride MRT from AEON Maluri to Pasar Seni. From MRT Pasar Seni, I took another transport that I called Putra LRT from Pasar Seni to KLCC. It only takes a short time to arrived at KLCC. She asked me to went straight away to the food court at level 4. I wait for her for a while because she has last minute meeting. 

After that, our lunch date started. We started our lunch with Japchae and Chicken Bibimbap. We talk about her preparation for her day and gossiping about his future husband. Then, we went for a walk on C floor. She treats me a Chocolate Milk drink and Ovaltine for her. It was delicious for the first timer like me. However, the date has to end early because she needs to continue her work. We took a couple of pictures and promise to meet again in the future.

That's all for today. 

p/s: I have arrived home early. So, I plan to create more scheduled posts before my time management getting worse.

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  1. yes agree with you somehow we need our own schedule so that our activity would be more manageable :D

  2. Agreeed. And I'm still and always learn to manage my time
