Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel Cream

by - 22:00


Today I would like to talk about Cleansing Gel Cream that I bought from Althea Korea a month ago. I already used it for a couple weeks and the result is very satisfying. The step how to use it very simple.

Nature Republic Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel Cream

I always use Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel Cream before a shower or removing my makeup. The smell of this cream is very lovely because of the richness of aloe vera extract. The size of the tube is 150ml. This cream is slightly colourless.

I show you how to use this as a makeup remover. Firstly, make sure your hand is dry. Squeeze the small amount of the cream on your palm. Then, spread it through your face. Make sure you avoid your eyes. After that, wipe it off with tissue. Follow up with your cleanser. Your face is refresh and smooth. All the makeup is removed.

Nature Republic Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel Cream

Nature Republic Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel Cream

It also can remove the impurities on your face due to activities such as exercising. To me, I don't regret buying this item. The price is affordable and it cleans my face very well. Thank you Althea Korea. I hope I can find a suitable mask to wear. Any suggestion for sensitive skin? Let me know.

That's all from today.

Lots of love,

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  1. Kak pip pun guna produk jenama ni ...

  2. selalu juga beli brand ni tapi takprnah try yg cleanser ni

  3. x pernah try cleansing gel dia. aloevera gel dia pernah try, mmg best hehe
