31 Day Blog Challenge

by - 06:44


blog challenge

I have decided to do the 31 Day Blog Challenge because I am facing writer's block. I want to update more entries, however, I can't think any ideas that I want to write except my daily life. Today is the perfect day to start 31 Day Blog Challenge because today is the first day of May 2017. Happy Labour Day to all workers in Malaysia and Worldwide.

Day 1: Write some basic thing about yourself.


My name is Mardhiyyah Rosli. I am 24 years old. I live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But right now, I am having a holiday at my another family house at Kuantan, Pahang. I started to blogging since 2010 but real blogging and try to connect with other bloggers in March 2017. A couple month ago I start blogging again with the same name but different niche. I am a friendly but shy person. Introverts but crazy with certain people. I love kids because they are adorable and smaller than me. I am one of a family member of seven including my sister in law. Only girl in siblings. The reason I started to love fashion, makeup and everything about a woman a year ago. It's hard for me to wear women clothes because I used to wore t-shirt and trousers. I think this is not too basic about me. Hahaha..

Mya Rosli

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