Assalamualaikum,Hi,Today is the last day of the blog challenge. But it doesn't mean I will stop posting my entry. I will keep posting the entry on my free time. Whatever the topic is, I will post and share it with you. The topic for today is why do I blog.Why and how I started my blog? I started blogging on 7 years ago when I was Form 5. I built a blog because I want a...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,Today I want to talk about my siblings. I have four siblings including myself. 3 boys and one girl. I am the only girl. That's why it's hard for me to understand fashion and makeup.Let's start this talk with my elder brother. He is 28 years old and 4 years apart from me. He is the only "abang" that I have. When I was in standard 1, he was the only one I can depend...
Assalamualaikum,Hari ini aku nak cerita sedikit menu berbuka pada waktu maghrib tadi. Kebiasaannya aku hanya menjadi sous chef yang membantu head chef, mak aku masak makanan untuk berbuka. Tapi bermula hari ini sehingga hari jumaat, aku akan menjadi head chef dan sous chef pada waktu yang sama. Mak dan adik bongsu aku tinggal di rumah Kuantan, manakala aku meneman ayah di Kuala Lumpur kerana ayah aku kerja.Kerja aku pada hari ini agak penat sedikit, kerana...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,Today I want to talk about my name. How I got it and what is the meaning of it? A name is a unique ID for all people in this world. People called us by calling our name. If you don't have a name, how other people call you? Hey!! You want people to call you that. I don't. It kinda rude to people.My name is Mardhiyyah Rosli. I got my name from my grandmother,...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,The topic for today is best friend forever. I know everyone in this world has a friend. So do I. A lot of friends. But the one that stays with you when troubled and sad, there is only one.I want to talk about my best friend. I know her since I was a kid. We are cousins but closer as a friend. She is one year younger than me but more mature. We always play...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,Today I want to talk about my favourite quote. Why I choose this as my favourite? Did this quote related to me? Did something happen to me that makes me believe in this quote?BELIEVE IN MYSELF AND STAY STRONGMy favourite quote is believed in myself and stay strong. I have been struggling with my life for couple years ago. I am overstressed with something that happened very badly. I am having difficulties with my fellow...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,The topic for today is something that I just study about it. I thought pet peeve is about a pet. Actually, the pet peeve is something that annoys or bother a person too much. Today I want to talk about my pet peeve. Something that annoys me too much.My top 5 pet peeve are:-Repeating myself.I hate when people asked something that I need to repeat more than twice. It shows that the people do not...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,There are 6 days left before my 31-day blog challenge comes to end. The topic for today is a date that I love to go on. I have never been a date before. I love romantic scene from a sweet couple. I want to share my dream date.My dream date that I love to go on with my future husband. I want to go on a date with my husband to a beach. Walking while...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,Today I will change the theme to animated. What kind of animation movies that you like? However, I want to talk more about Disney Princesses. If you can be one of Disney princesses, who would you choose? If I can be one of Disney princesses, I will choose Snow White.I choose Snow White becauseHer skin is white as snow.She has a beautiful dress.She can communicate with animals.She friends with the seven adorable dwarf with their...
Assalamualaikum,Hari ini aku nak cerita serba sedikit tentang travel app yang aku selalu tengok dekat televisyen. Travel app ini memudahkan pelanggan kerana kita boleh tempah tiket flight dan hotel dalam masa yang sama. App ini menarik bagi aku kerana kita tak perlu buka dua tab untuk menempah tiket flight dan hotel. Menjimatkan masa kita juga. Tak silap aku nama app ini pun ada perkataan travel. Aku pun cuba cari web apa yang ada perkataan travel....
Assalamualaikum,Hi, Today we are back to the English Language. Like the topic stated above, if I had three wishes what would it be. Can I ask something that illogical? Whatever my wishes is, it still my wishes until I grab it.Here are my main wishes that I really want it so much.Marry before 27 years old.For me, it is quite impossible to get married in time. I still have 3 years to fulfil this wish. I...
Assalamualaikum,Minggu PertamaTema: Delicious RamadhanSumber: GoogleMakanan kegemaran aku semasa iftar ialah dadih coklat. Nak tahu kenapa aku suka dadih coklat dan bukannya perisa lain. Aku kan suka semua pencuci mulut yang berperisa coklat. Bercakap pasal Ramadhan, tinggal 3 hari lagi sebelum seluruh umat Islam meraikannya. Bila masuk sahaja bulan Ramadhan, perkara yang paling aku suka ialah bazaar Ramadhan. Kalau dulu zaman sekolah, mesti tunggu ayah aku balik kerja dulu, baru pergi bazaar bersama-sama. Tapi bila dah meningkat...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,Korang rasa boleh tak kalau satu topik ini je aku berbahasa Malaysia. Perkara-perkara macam ini banyak menggunakan minda dan khayalan aku untuk menulis. Tak apa kan?Topik pada hari ini ialah 5 perkara yang banyak kali terlintas dalam fikiran aku. Sebenarnya bila aku tengok sekeliling, banyak benda yang terlintas bukan sahaja di dalam fikiran tetapi juga di dalam hati. Jeng jeng jeng.Perkara yang terlintas di dalam fikiran penulis adalahKahwinRamai kawan dan orang yang aku kenal yang...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,The topic for today is what makes me feel better, always. Sometimes when I am having a bad mood, there always something that I need to calm and feel better.The first thing I really need is my pillow. I can calm myself just with a pillow. By having my pillow near me, I feel relaxed and sleepy. Even though, without my smartphone or my laptop. I still feel better with it.Besides, I always listening to...
Assalamualaikum,Hi, Today I would like to talk a little bit about me. I am an introvert person and hard to start a conversation with a new people I met. I think I have more weaknesses than strength for my whole life. Let's talk about 10 random facts about me.Random Facts About Mya:-SensitiveI am a person that cry easily after people mad at me. However, I am also a person that forgive easily but never forget.ShyI scared...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,Everyone has their own goals to succeed. Today is a day where I shared my goals and the BIG WHY I started a business even though as dropship of Nurraysa. We need to keep our goals in mind to achieve it. To prevent ourselves from giving up. My BIG WHY:-I want to pay my all debts.I want to find more experiences.I want to join baking classes.I want to chase my final dream job as a pastry chef.I...
Assalamualaikum,Hari ini Mya tergerak nak buat entri pasal kesihatan. Teruk sangat ke penyakit Mya ni sampai nak up entri. Sejak kebelakangan ini, Mya asik sakit saja, sakit sana dan sakit sini. Mya dah tahu apa penyebab tapi tetap abaikan juga. Dah sakit, mulalah. Tak laratlah. Penatlah. Lain kali jelah. Banyak betul alasannya.Mya ni seorang yang susah nak pergi klinik selagi penyakit tu tak teruk. Mya ni boleh dikategorikan seorang yang mempunyai antibodi lemah. Mudah jatuh sakit....
Assalamualaikum,Hi,Today I want to list my favourite anime to least favourite anime that I've watched. Actually, there are a lot of anime that I've watched a long time ago and I forgot about it. Anywhere I will list all the anime below. * drum roll, please*The anime I love to rewatched over again:-Fairy TailKaichou Wa Maid SamaAlice AcademyYumeiro PatissierePrince of TennisChrome Shelled RegiosFruit BasketNurarihyon no MagoNurarihyon no Mago Demon CapitalKaze no StigmaKekkaishiMahouka Koukou no RettouseiKuroko No...
Assalamualaikum,Hari ini Mya nak ajak rakan bloggers yang lain untuk turut serta dalam Lazada Ramadhan Raya Blogger Contest. Mya tertarik untuk menyertai contest ni pun sebab baca daripada blogger lain. Apa salahnya Mya mencuba nasib. Hadiah agak lumayan dan kita mungkin menjadi salah satu pemenang. Kalau dapat satu voucher pun dah cukup, boleh beli barang keperluan di Lazada.Tarikh contest bermula esok, 19 Mei hingga 25 Jun 2017. Berlangsung selama 4 minggu, 1 minggu ada satu tema....
Assalamualaikum,Hi,It is already Day 17 of My Blog Challenge. Today I want to talk about my ideal man. The ideal man is a man that have your ideal characteristics in him to be your life partner. I can't say anything about love because I failed on those things. Every person in this world has their own ideal man or woman. The characteristics of my ideal man are:-CaringI want he loves me and accepts me the way...
Assalamualaikum,Hi, we meet again.Today I want to talk about 5 things that I would love to experience in the future. There are many things that I love to try for more experiences. I am not an active person after stop playing sports when I was 18 due to studies. I will list 5 things that I want to do long ago but due to certain circumstances, I have to hold it. *drum roll, please*Five things...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,We meet again after having a two-day break at Sri Medan, Johor. Today I want to share my ten favourite songs with you. Before that, I have many favourite songs that I don't know which one to choose. Let's enjoy it.My 10 Favourite Songs:-One In A Million by Backstreet BoysIf I could be the lightTo guide you through the darkness babyIf I could be the oneTo change the ending to your storyI'd be one in a...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,Today I want to share the places I've lived especially when I was a student. As a student, we might live far away from our family. Sometimes, there is a student that experience homesick. They can't stay away from home for a long time. If they have a free time, they always grab a chance to go back to their home. I even think to myself, "Wow, they have a lot of money." You know what,...
Assalamualaikum,Hi,I want you to guess whether I am an early bird or a night owl. Before we talk more about me, Let's talk what is an early bird and a night owl.An early bird is a term for a morning person. A person that easily waking up in the morning. He/She can easily get up by themselves. They do not need alarm's help or someone else to wake them up.While a night owl is a...
Assalamualaikum,dah habis buat kerja? Bolehlah baca pelbagai kisah benar pergerakan menjelajah kami dalam blog ini. Apa yang akak tulis berdasarkan pengalaman kami di situasi semasa. Terima kasih kepada pembaca yang sudi membaca. Kali ini akak nak cerita pengalaman bermalam kami di Ranau. Kami berdua bukanlah menginap di lokasi yang mewah,nak budget nak jimat nak jalan banyak lokasi yang belum sampai di Sabah. Jadi kena bermalam di lokasi yang sesuai dan budget.Pilihan kami kali ini ialah di...